Seville Snapshots: Reflection of the San Fernando Statue of Plaza Nueva

I hastily jumped out of bed, cursing myself for forgetting to set my second alarm. I’d made early morning plans with Katie which included a hot coffee on a cold day and a bit of shopping for Feria dresses (her) and accessories (me). I pulled on dirty jeans, pulished a post and ran full speed out the door, hating to be late for our 9:30 a.m. breakfast date.

In the biting cold of an Andalusian winter morning, I raced towards the city center, dodging a bit of traffic on a long weekend where most where probably still in bed. I arrived and parked my bike right at 9:30 on the dot and had Plaza Nueva to myself. A pilgrim on his way to Santiago ambled slowly on, and I wished him Buen Camino, eager to start my own Camino in August.

I never quite understood why the streets in the city center get washed overnight, though I’d assume it’s from careless sevillanos who let their dogs crap all over the place without thinking to clean it up. Whatever the reason, the last bit of water that hadn’t been evaporated by the penetrating sun cast an eerie glimpse of Rey San Fernando on the marble ground of the Plaza.

Have photos of Seville or Spain to share? I gladly accept them and run them as part of my weekly photo feature! Send me an email to sunshineandsiestas @, or upload to my Facebook page.

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About Cat Gaa

As a beef-loving Chicago girl living amongst pigs, bullfighters, and a whole lotta canis, Cat Gaa writes about expat life in Seville, Spain. When not cavorting with adorable Spanish grandpas or struggling with Spanish prepositions, she works in higher education at an American university in Madrid and freelances with other publications, like Rough Guides and The Spain Scoop.


  1. So now we need photos of the accessories you bought!
    Reg of The Spain Scoop recently posted..Stay: Barcelona’s Best Backpacker HostelMy Profile

  2. They do that here too, washing the streets, but I can understand that with all the dust here, and, yes, that same problem with dogs! They’ve had to ban dogs from the beaches,simply because so many owners are too lazy to clear up after their pets :=(
    Linda recently posted..Waiting for the StormMy Profile

    • Sunshine and Siestas says:

      Imagine that! I remember my first night in Seville – I was totally put off by sliding around on the cobblestone when walking after dark! But, really, the dog poop is out of control!

  3. I love this pic!

    • Sunshine and Siestas says:

      This whole blog is pretty much in function to get you to overlook your love affair with Barna. Just being honest.

  4. Love the picture Cat! I remember visiting Sevilla when I was studying abroad and sitting in the plaza enjoying the sun people watching. There were a bunch of kids playing fútbol and a bunch of others skateboarding. Funny how we remember those small moments.
    Mike recently posted..Auxiliar de Conversación Region PreferencesMy Profile

    • Sunshine and Siestas says:

      I once drafted a post about the things one learns from Plaza life. It never got published….but maybe it should!

  5. I love walking through cities after the streets and plazas have just been washed. My first experience with this was in New Orleans. The stones and tiles glistened and sparkled. And, since it was early, all was quiet and peaceful and morning air was refreshing. A great way to experience a place. By the looks of the photo, I imagine Sevilla is no different, though maybe a bit colder 😉
    Gayla recently posted..Impressions of ArlesMy Profile

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